Thursday, October 23, 2014

Modern Family S6 E4 "Marco Polo"

Synopsis: Due to a mold infestation at their house, the Dunphys temporarily move into a cramped hotel room where they bump heads so much, Claire and the kids move to another room for more space. Gloria and Jay are surprised to find that Manny's first girlfriend is a beautiful high school senior. Unfortunately, this older girl was only using him to make her old boyfriend jealous and she tosses Manny to the wayside and gets back with her ex. Mitch, meanwhile, becomes slightly aggravated at all the attention Cam is getting as the high school football coach. When Mitch finally decides to be supportive, it seems that his presence at the football game is bad luck that causes the dolphins to lose.

Review: The stories of this episode were all satisfying. What was lacking from "Marco Polo" was comedy. Episodes from earlier seasons of Modern Family had me laughing out loud multiple times within an episode. I'm starting to think Modern Family was able to repeatedly reuse the relationships between the three main houses of the show because wow factor of the show was impressive wit and hilarious situations. After watching "Marco Polo," I really felt as though I had just watched three stories that were void of any jokes. At one point, I thought that Modern Family was on the decline because the stories were so redundant, but now I'm starting to wonder if there's just not as much "funny" as there used to be. Regardless, the ratings are staying up, so I guess I may be riding this one out.

My Grade: C+

Reviewer's Quotes: "'Marco Polo' features a few light twists, making it one of the season’s fleeter installments, and yet somehow there’s still a pervasive feeling of been-here-done-that weighing it down despite its charms." -Joshua Alston (

Nielsen Rating: 3.4 (9.71 million viewers)

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